Wednesday, 4 September 2013

Cassette Store Day Saturday 7th September

This Saturday is Cassette Store Day with various artists releasing special release for the day. To coincide with the Denbigh Record Fair which falls on the same day VOD Music will have a couple of the limited edition releases along with various other cassette release which have been released throughout the year. This also includes some limited release which where out in April of this year to coincide with the annual Record Store Day.

Halcyon Dreams ourselves had a two track cassette out for Record Store Day which we still have copies of and so will be available from the Denbigh Record Fair. The cassette is lime green, limited to 50 units and is priced at £2. All proceeds go towards the Crohn's and Colitis UK charity.

For more information on the Denbigh Record Fair and Cassette Store Day visit

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